Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY AT CODING DEPARTMENT vows to protect your right to privacy and personal information. This privacy policy discloses our practices of gathering and utilizing information that you give via

The goal of our website is to be an effective business, resource, and information medium about outsourcing to our valued clients, researchers, and media personnel. We make sure that our web visitors feel completely safe through our dedication and commitment to information security. Below is an overview of our privacy policy.

How is Information Gathered?

Information on our site is gathered directly when you voluntarily provide information through our forms such as contact us, request for information, and query. Take note that you have the option and freedom to submit personal information to our website.

Cookies: We also gather information from cookies; however, information from cookies will not be examined individually. In case you opt not to submit information to be used in the website, you can disable your cookies or decide at the download or request page.

Internet access logs: We also compile information indirectly through our site’s internet access logs. The browsers’ internet address will automatically be saved and placed in our access logs.

Use of information

The collected information from our website is reviewed to help us improve the site and make necessary changes and modifications so that we can improve user experience.

There are instances where information may also be utilized to send direct mails or newsletters for new promos and events. Still, you have the option to unsubscribe if you choose not to receive our emails.

Confidentiality shares personal information only with trusted employees and partners. We guarantee that personal information will not be shared with or sold to outside parties. Our website may contain links to other sites. However, is not responsible for the
content or privacy policies of these websites.

Client/Customer Data Privacy Consent Form is committed to ensuring the confidentiality, security and protection of personal data. This document gives details on how the Company uses and protects personal data for the purpose of obtaining the consent of data subjects, in pursuant with RA 10173 also known as the
Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR), and other relevant laws of the Philippines.

By using our site, you are considered as a data subject. Please read the details of this document carefully to ensure informed consent.

I. About Personal Data

Personal data refers to all types of :

  1. Personal
    Information – Referring to any data or information recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity of the individual is evident or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other data or information would directly and certainly identify an individual.
  2. Sensitive
    Information – Referring to (i) An individual’s race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color and religious, philosophical or political affiliations. (ii) An individual’s health, education, genetic or sexual life of a person, or to any proceeding for any offense committed or alleged to have been committed by such person, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of any court in such proceedings. (iii) Data or information issued by government agencies which are peculiar to an individual. Includes but not limited to the following: Social Security Number, Health Records (Current or Previous), Licenses or its denials, suspension or revocation and tax returns. (iv) Data or Information which are specifically established by an executive order or an Act of Congress to be kept classified.
  3. Privileged
    Information – Referring to any and all forms of personal data which under the Rules of the Court and other pertinent laws constitute a privileged communication.

II. Collection and Use of Personal Data: generally does not collect personal data unless it is provided to us voluntarily by you directly. We may use the personal data or information in order to perform business processes effectively and efficiently in conformity with corporate policies. In this regard, the company may collect your personal data in order to:

  1. Provide you
    information on new services that the company offers.
  2. For updating of the
    Company Official Websites and Social Media Channels.

III. Type of Personal Data Collected: The company may collect the following personal data:

  1. Name
  2. Contact Number
  3. Email Address

IV Confidentiality of Data: shall operate and hold personal data under strict confidentiality. The company shall not disclose or share personal information in its possession with other entities without your expressed written consent.

V Data Protection: shall implement appropriate organizational, physical and technical security measures in order to ensure the privacy and protection of personal data in its possession. The security shall aim to protect and secure data from loss, misuse, unauthorized modification, unauthorized access or disclosure , alteration or destruction. The following are the company safeguards:

  • Strict implementation of information security policies
  • Access Restriction to unauthorized personnel
  • Use of secured servers and firewalls
  • Data encryption on computing devices

VI Data Retention: All personal data or information that the company had obtained shall not be retained for a period as specified by law and after the period, all hard and soft copies of personal data or information shall be disposed of and destroyed, through secured means.

VII. Rights of Data Subjects : As a data subject you have the following rights under Data Privacy Act of 2012: Right to be informed, Right to object, Right to access, Right to rectify or correct erroneous data, Right to erase or block, Right to secure data portability, Right to indemnified for damages, Right to file a complaint.

VIII. Contact Information : If you have questions or concerns or would want to lodge a complaint, you may reach our Data Protection Officer through the following details:

  1. Company Address :
  2. Contact Number :
  3. Email Address :

You may also lodge a complaint in the National Privacy Commission (NPC). For further details please refer to the NPC website:

CONSENT : I have read this form and understand its content and voluntarily give my consent for the collection, use, processing, storage and retention of my personal data or information to for the purpose(s) described in this document. I also understand that my consent does not prevent the existence of other criteria for lawful processing of personal data and does not waive any of my
rights under RA 10173 – Data Privacy Act of 2012 and other applicable laws.

GDPR Compliant stores typical personal details like name, company name, country, email, telephone number, etc. In addition, we also store web data such as cookies, IP address, and system location solely for business purposes, so that we can keep in touch with our clients about new services, products, project requirements, and updates. Emails are sent precisely on an opt-in basis, and clients have the option to end the processing of their personal data or deletion. We can also provide electronic copies of records, along with the purpose of its storage and location, upon request.

Access your Information in Real Time is a GDPR compliant. We truly believe that our clients have the right to access the information given to us. In case of changes in the data (e.g. updates, inaccuracy), you can contact us here.

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